Friday, May 10, 2013

From 'WE' To 'I'


One Year Later.....
I have to finally admit Terry did leave me for good.  It was a year two days ago.  It has definitely been a heartbreaking and devastating one year for me in particular changing the sentence structure from 'we' to 'I'.
I had my birthday last month and was like 'oh, no more birthday gift from Terry ever again'.  It was not the gift that I was missing.  Hmm.... on second thought, I should rephrase it to "It might not be.....".  Actually, it was his physical presence that I miss most dearly.  I am still holding onto the last birthday present I got from him, an beautiful Orchid plant. I have been hoping a new spike will grow every year so that I can still have a gift from him year after year.   Isn't that great?  But so far, the orchid has been pretty quiet in its own form.  I am not rushing it and am sure Terry will do something about it in his own way.
So, what's next for me?  Time to turn a new page in life?  Time to walk out of grief and move on?