Sunday, September 30, 2012

When September Ends


“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.” ― William Shakespeare

Gloomy is the only word I can think of when coming to describe myself in this September month.  It has been a particularly dark and murky month for me.  I spent most of my days either in bed or wandering aimlessly at home.
September 8 was the day I am Terry-less for 124 days. 
September 11 was the day I first knew of Terry 8 years ago. 
September 16 was the day Terry moved to his new home for 85 days.
September 22 was the day I travelled on a short trip without Terry for the first time in 8 years.
September 30 is the day I spent Mid-Autum Festival with no Terry in 7 years.
September is the month with no Canucks  pre-season games since 2004.

I thought I was looking forward to a short trip after Terry passed away in May. When that day was approaching near, I got confused and have this surge of mix emotions that I could hardly describe. I miss our road trips to the States. I miss going to the Seahawks games with him. I miss exploring all the casinos along I-5 with him. I miss our last road trip to LA. I still miss him lots.

There are times I want to be left alone as I feel tired putting on a smiling face when I am not into it.  There are times I feel guilty when I find myself laughing with friends.  There are times I know I have to get out of the house more.  There are times I know I have to...... but just cannot.
Hard though it is, I know Terry is still with me wherever I go.  My recent short trip to the States had a quick stop at the Pike Market in Seattle.  Just as I was crossing the street, a 444 US licence plate caught my attention and I knew it was Terry showing his presence to me.   Thank you T!
Space Needle Seattle
September luckily ends on a happy note. I got invited to dinner with Jeannie and family to celebrate Mid Autum Festival.  We had a nice gathering and I even ate 1/16 of a mooncake.  I hope this sweetness can be carried forward to the month of October.
The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival, is a popular lunar harvest festival celebrated by Chinese.  The festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar.  The roundest moon on Mid Autum Day is the time for reunion.  Wish Terry and everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Day and a wonderful life wherever you are now.


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