Thursday, August 9, 2012

93 Days and Still Counting

Today is the 8th of another month.  Today is the 93rd day of journey on my own.   Today is a day after Lightning Bolt (not Usain Bolt) dropped by to say hi to Vancouver the night before.  Today is another day I have to work hand in hand with Mr. GPS.   Today is the day I get to see Terry, his parents and Auntie Mary again. 

Lightning storm, looking west from North Road in Gibsons on August 7, 2012.
Photography by: Allen Snowdon

I was worried about the road condition after a wild thunderstorm hit the region last night but roads were cleared all the way from Richmond to Yarrow except I did not slow down on a Yield sign merging onto the highway (I only got a glimpse of the sign from the rear mirror after I got honked at) and was thinking I had the right of way.  Naturally, I got the honks and swears I deserved from the driver.  I followed all the instructions given to me this time (even though the street name on the road sign and GPS did not match) and amazingly, I got there without one drop of gas wasted.

Stepping out of the car onto the burial grounds of the dead, I find peace and tranquility of mind in there.  Seems like the world has stopped and all urging problems of life are muted to silence.  Listening to the boundless silence takes me temporarily away from the busy schedules of daily life.   Wonderful sense of calmness enveloped me and an instant connection developed between me and Terry with no wifi required.   It has been three months since Terry left me, I still miss him everyday.

I decorated the plots with hydrangeas cut from Auntie Mary's garden and they were strikingly gorgeous.   Terry loved purplish blue and I am sure he would love the hydrangeas.

I spent a good afternoon with Auntie Mary and had a nice chat with her at lunch.  I get to know more about her and more about Terry's grandparents who were from Ukraine.   Their stories are so inspiring.  May the Lord continue to bless her health and well being and protect her from any harm! 

Auntie Mary also cut me different species of hydrangeas to bring home and aren't they beautiful?

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