Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Day with Terry at Yarrow

July 14, 2012.  Sunny.

I finally made it to Yarrow all by myself yesterday.  Even with the GPS, I found myself driving around New Westminster (at least that was where I thought I was at) trying to get back on Highway 1.  Make sense?   Maybe I should just follow the instructions as told and stop analyzing the information given.  Why arguing with the GPS when I have absolutely no sense of direction myself.  Lesson Learned.   But didn't I keep asking Terry to just follow the GPS and stop playing GPS himself?  I guess that is human nature.  Always thinking too highly of oneself's ability.

After a few hiccups, I managed to get back on Highway 1 but traffic was not as smooth as I would think on a Saturday.  Was thinking I should take a pic and while I was busy fetching the camera out of my handbag, the big truck cut in and blocked the whole view.

It is almost a month since Terry was laid to rest in Yarrow cemetery.  Tears started pouring down once I got there.   I really miss him lots and a month is the longest time we have been away from each other ever since we first met in 2004.  The sad part is this number will keep counting but looking at the bright side, this number will start counting backward when I am getting closer to reunite with him one day.

Before wrapping up my trip in Yarrow, I decided to visit Terry's aunt, Auntie Mary whom I was told is living a few minutes away from the cemetery but Mr. GPS told me it was a 30 minute drive.  Since I learned my lesson earlier, I was humming "I will follow him.  Follow him wherever he may go..." to myself.  Of course, it was the wrong house when I got there.  After another 30 minutes driving back, I finally managed to get hold of Auntie Mary and she told me there is a Wilson Road in Chilliwack too and hers is in Yarrow.  Whoever gave me the address should pay me back the money for gas wasted.
Anyway, I was so happy to see Auntie Mary again.  This is the third time I see her and the first time was at her 80th birthday party.  She is 86 now and is still full of energy.  She is such a lovely, caring and wonderful lady.  Auntie Mary, thank you for all your prayers and phone calls to Terry when he was sick at home and in the hospital and also thank you for visiting Terry and his parents every week.  Can't wait to see her again next month as she has so many stories about the Froese to share with me.

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